Thursday, December 1, 2011

Workout for Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tonight I did The FIRM Basics Fat Burning Workout.  This one is led by Jen Carmen (one of my all-time favorite instructors) and Stacy Millner-Collins.  I forgot she was in this one too.  She definitely didn't seem as "off" in this one as she did in Firm Basics Abs, Buns and Thighs Workout.  Still, I'm glad I'm through her videos. She is not a bad instructor.  I personally just don't connect with her.

This is another 45-minute workout (which is my preferred workout length for most weeknights).  It's definitely "basic," and there was little I could do to make it more challenging since there wasn't a ton of weight work.  As the name suggests, it was more cardio-based, and the cardio is easy.