Thursday, December 29, 2011

Workout for Thursday, December 29

Today I did The FIRM BSS3 Express Cardio with Stephanie Huckabee.

This is not a favorite.  I really didn't care for the BSS3 workouts as a whole.  First, they sold them with the Death Box.  I gave mine away, and now use the Transfirmer to do these workouts.  But that whole venture left a bad taste in my mouth because it just seemed like The Firm was selling junk and not caring that people were injuring themselves.  Thank goodness they came out with the Transfirmer, which was a much better concept.  Also, it was in the BSS3 set where a couple of the instructors were SCARY skinny.  I usually don't care to comment or make judgments on others' weight since I'm not happy where mine is either.  However, instructors on workout videos are models for health and fitness.  These particular women looked like they had eating disorders and were almost painful to watch.

Also, I don't like how these are cued.  Any time the work is being done on an incline, they do it with the step to the side.  It's very hard to see what is going on if your box is to the side, and if you are doing it head-on so that you can watch the TV, you can't figure out which leg they are on.  Also, they don't film the beginner modifier (Libby) all that much.  Most of the time, she's cut from the picture.  The cuing itself isn't terrible (Stephanie generally is very good), but because the workout moved so fast from one thing to another, it was hard for me to keep up.  I think if I would do it a couple of times, I'd be fine.  I just don't like enough to want to bother!

Overall, the workout feels intense for me (cardio-wise).  I even made a 10" step for the 14" box climbs, and did a few of the beginner modifications (low jacks, etc.), but I was still panting.  Maybe it's all that fudge I've been consuming!  The workout is just over 30 minutes, so at least it's not endless.

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